I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.
On a day when the wind is perfect,
the sail just needs to open
and the world is full of beauty.
Today is such a day.
the sail just needs to open
and the world is full of beauty.
Today is such a day.
Hello awesome & cool Amsterdam Marina!
Stay salty my friends!
(PS: Das IJSELLMEER war heute ein absoluter Traum! Der Wind aus der richtigen Richtung und Sonne pur. Jeder, der ein Schiff hat, war irgendwie unterwegs. So viele eindrucksvolle Bilder schwirren in unseren Köpfen herum. Wir haben 3 Schleusen durchfahren und ich am Steuer! Puls 180!!! Kapitän Chaos eben. Learning by doing ⚓️)